
システマ愛媛 3周年



 思い起こせば、3年前に実力もない自分が慣れない土地でシステマの団体を開始できたのは、練習会が開かれていない土地でシステマ団体を開設したいと言った私に対して「素晴らしいじゃないか」と言って下さった Systema Camp 2016のキャンパーの暖かい言葉、そして実力はともかくも私のスピリットを評価してIitに認定してくれたMaster Vladimirのおかげであると思います。




Systema Ehime 3rd anniversary

 Today, on February 26, 2020, Systema Ehime marks the third anniversary from the first training class.

We owe our continuous training without major accidents to training partners, persons concerned and the great Systema Masters.

Remembering that three years ago, Thanks to heartwarming words from campers in Systema toronto 2016 camp when I said I wanted to begin a Systema class in an area where training class were not held, I was able to start a Systema group in Ehime though I was not use to Ehime. And I greatly appreciate Master Vladimir certified me as Iit in the camp. I guess he thought highly of my spirit rather than skills.

And I was able to continue the training class for three years only because of the cooperation of our training friends. Thank you, everyone.

Especially I appreciate to Mr. Kuraoka in Systema Academy who came to the seminar immediately after opening Systema Ehime, Mr. Onishi in Systema Osaka who advise appropriately about our class, and Mr. Kitagawa in Systema Tokyo who first taught me systema.

Systema Ehime Chief Instructor.
